Tuesday, August 14, 2012

 Less than 6 weeks left.  We have a lot planned, so the time is going to go quickly.  We are looking forward to getting back to our home and being closer to our children.  It is warmer in the morning for the AM walks, but the house is still cold in the evenings.  It's interesting that flowers stayed in bloom during the winter, and interesting to see this magnolia tree with blossoms, but bare leafless branches.  Our first day in PN was Rich's birthday.  His first day back at work will be my birthday.  When we arrived we had Passover seder at a Presbyterian church.  It looks like we'll be spending Yom Kippur at a Days Inn in Kingman, AZ.  I'm making a list of things that we'll miss and not miss, but I'll share that later.  For now I'll just share the latest terms/differences; haven't done that in a while.   
When you order bacon, you'll get a slice of ham.
go to the loo;  call your solicitor
VS (vital signs) are called OBS (observations)
Norplant is Jadelle;  they were in Oz (Australia)
A dairy is a convenience store.  This one is across the street from our house (to the right of the picture behind the recycling bin).
scroggin is trail mix;  chips in windscreen (windshield)
As Howard reminds us: stay left, look right.

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