Saturday, June 16, 2012

We had a nice social weekend, although I'm still fighting off a cold.  The couple with Murray are counsellors at Amesbury Health Centre, and were the hosts of the mid-year do.  It was pot luck, with good food and good conversation.  Here's a picture of the pavlova:

Friday night there was a hospital staff dinner honoring new and retiring doctors.  We met an Ob-Gyn doc that lives down the street (told us he sees us walking the dogs).  His son is going to UNM for an exchange semester this fall.  He's studying law in Christchurch, but will be doing undergrad work at UNM.  I think he's enamoured with the Lobos; will find out when he's here in July.  Saturday night we went to see The Way at Cinema Gold.  Marta, they show independent films there.

It's Father's Day in the US, but since that is celebrated in September here, the only ads now are for Matariki, the Maori New Year which is Thursday, 21 June.  Got a coupon for 4X Fly Buys Points at New World, our favorite grocery store.  Threw in this food picture; Wattie's is a popular brand here that started in Hawke's Bay in 1934.  If the logo looks familiar, it's because Wattie's was bought by Heinz in 1992.

1 comment:

  1. Marta says we have to see a film at Cinema Gold. She is the Queen of the Independent film. The Wattie's soup looks good. I guess you will have an exchange student from New Zealand next year.
