Thursday, April 12, 2012

Went to check out a gym, and when I asked if I could look around, I was told to have a wander.
I tell patients to ring if they're not better.
Used the trolley to load food at  the grocery store. 
Everything is more dear (costly) here.  Rich is going to blog this weekend about our sticker shock re cost of living being dearer.  One example now is that we knew it was going to be expensive to bring the dogs here, but didn't know that it would be expensive to keep them here.  Went to buy a bag of dog food:  $135 for the same brand we bought at home. It is NZD, but that is still 2 and 1/2 times what I paid for the same size bag at Pet Smart.  So Kaylee will have to live with less rawhides, and Rx will get less toys to destroy.
lay by         lay-a-way
footpath      sidewalk
chilly bins   coolers
There are some red kiwi orienteering courses at the Esplanade.
segway to pictures in that park on a nice day
Activities from last weekend:
Went to neighboring town Feilding (where I'll probably go for dog training).  Drove there for the Friday farmers' market, which was actually held on Thursday that week because of the holiday.  Between the 2 towns 

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