Tuesday, July 31, 2012

No sheep or goats, but saw a rainbow on our evening walk.  I'm taking this picture from our driveway; Rich's car is in the bottom left corner.  The blue sky was brief.  It's raining now.  I'm giving up on winter obedience training at the club.  Too rainy for 2 weeks; too windy and cold last night.  Hope Rx doesn't regress too much on his exercises.  Shouldn't complain;  I know that we're missing a hot summer in NM.  We did find out that Prime TV carries the Olympics, although just the highlights, and focuses on the New Zealand teams.  However, we only get that channel intermittently.  We play with the squeaky rabbit ears and sometimes see the event through the TV snow.  We're supposed to be able to tune the TV to channel 5, but like the heater in the lounge, there are no instructions for the TV or remote, and all I accomplished today was moving the Maori channel from one button to another.  Waiting for Natalie (rental agent).
Vegemite is made in Australia.  Marmite was being made in Christchurch, but the factory closed due to earthquake damage.  I hear that Kiwis will pay a lot for an unopened jar of Sanitarium Marmite.  Recently heard the Down Under song (recorded by the Australian rock group Men at Work).  One of the verses refers to Vegemite sandwiches.  Listen on YouTube; you'll recognize the music.  Talking about food, today I had a new flavor of Griffen's biscuit, popular Melting Moments.  Some boycott the products due to the use of palm oil.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Yesterday sheep, on today's walk a goat

NBC is only allowed to show Olympic competition video on the internet to users in the United States and U.S. TerritoriesWe're disappointed that we can't watch the olympics.  NZ movie of the weekend was Second-Hand Wedding.  Took place on the Kapiti Coast.  Learned about singer John Rowles and his pop song Cheryl Moana Marie.  Worked with Paul on off lead training, and Rx had a short but fun birthday swim in the stream at Bledisloe.  Kaylee is spry and back to officer status.    

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ginger Beer is one of our frequent drinks here.  We see a lot of Tui beer bottles (neighbors' recycling box).  The Tui Brewery is quite close to PN.  We'll be near there next weekend, when we get out to nurse Jan's place in Pahiatua.  It's lambing season.  One of Jan's sheep just had twins.  When out with the dogs on Wednesday at the Linklater Reserve walk, I saw 2 sets of little lambs with their mums.  Lamb gestation is 5 months and 5 days.  Just finished another work week; 8 more to go.  We're coming into the home stretch of our adventure.  I'm seeing about 12 patients per session (half day), sometimes more.  Rich has been busy as well.  Observations about practicing here:  patients are less demanding and more appreciative;  notes are brief, or as Rich would tell it, "they don't say anything";  docs with mutual patients don't call and talk with each other, but write letters; which is one of the reasons why Murray has so much paperwork; children in the exam rooms are very well behaved and have better manners compared to those I see in the US.  There is less materialism here, and kiwis seem to be happy with just the basics; and they are more "green", with less waste.  On Monday, Kaylee had a tooth extracted and she is now on Clavulox for her dental abscess.  She also had all kinds of x-rays, and I was happy to contribute a great teaching case to the veterinary students at Massey University.  The findings were quite useful for me.  Her hips and hardware are all fine.  She has arthritis in her knees (osteophytes indenting the femur), but new to me is the spondylosis and degree of osteoarthritis in her spine.  No wonder she doesn't like to sit.  So now I'm clear on what to treat.  She just started Previcox, and we have a follow-up appointment next Thursday.  I'll bring the discs home for anyone interested.  Yesterday was girls' night for 7 of us from the office.  The invitation said "5:30, bring your own tea" which means your own supper.  Dianne made her famous pav for dessert.  We watched a chick flick, and a little of The Block NZ, a popular TV show.  I hope that we get Olympic Game coverage on our local channel, and don't need Sky TV (which we don't have).  There was an earthquake during dessert.  I'm getting used to them already.  This one was a 5.2  (depth 30k) 30 km south of Dannevirke.   misc: learned about lembas bread (Lord of the Rings);  Stubbies - brand name for fashion shorts in Australia and New Zealand (owned by Sara Lee for a time); pronunciation for cities like Whakatane (F sound, not Wh).  We're planning our Northland trip which will be the second weekend in August, and also starting to organize a sightseeing adventure to do with Marta and Lee who arrive on the 26th of next month.  Lastly for this post, Happy Birthday to Rx on Sunday.     

Friday, July 20, 2012

Kia Orana (Cook Island Maori)

Once when Lee called us on our magicjack phone, he said that he never spoke to anyone in the future before.  It was like that making plans for this trip.  The flight was for Sunday July 15, and we had to book the first night accommodation for Saturday July 14.  We had two Sundays and will skip Friday.  If we could make the plans over, we would pick a different resort, and would have changed the days a bit.  We miss market day, and missed going to church where the singing is reported to be amazing.   Since we had just arrived, we chose to go to an orientation scheduled at the same time, but it never happened (island time). 

Getting ready for our winter holiday was relatively relaxed (for a change).  No stress; no airport stress.  Before we left, we walked the dogs in drizzle in PN.  It was raining in Auckland.  (I wasn’t fast enough for a cool scenic landing picture).  It was dark and POURING when we arrived in Rarotonga. I decided that the impressive beautiful scenic photos taken for tourist travel promotional brochures (all those mountain and water scenes, and scenes of sporting activities) are all taken on the 1 or 2 days out of the year that it isn’t raining.  Those poor photographers must really have to hustle. 

Sunday:  When you’ve stayed at the Grand Wailea, the Edgewater Resort takes a little getting used to.  We did get a flower lei at the airport; but at the resort, we were greeted by a water bug in the closet, and ants in the bathroom.  There is no concierge (for those in the know).  The staff is not only not helpful, but they don’t even have correct information about what is happening across the walkway in their own resort.  I move the rating from 3.5 stars to -2.  We did get to do some snorkeling, although the water was cold and the skies gray.  The lagoon just outside the resort is great, with coral and lots of fish.  We saw a humahumanukunukuapau'a and lots of other beauties.

Monday:  The sun came out :).  Amazing what a difference sun makes to a mood.  We hired push bikes (aka renting bicycles), and cycled around the island (circumference of main road is 32km).  Most people rent motor scooters.  After so many months, it felt great to be on a bike.  It felt great to be doing something more physical again!  There are a lot of stray dogs and loose chickens, and an occasional goat or pig (didn’t see any sheep).  Most of what I saw gave me the impression of being in a third world country.  Reminded me a little of how I felt when I saw the townships in Africa (but with less population density).  We visited the museum/library and learned more history about the Islands.  When I asked what was on display inside the museum, the answer was “heaps”.  I did enjoy learning about each island.  I made the Mutiny on the Bounty connection.  Our route included a lot of Oceanside riding which felt like Santa Monica without crowds.  We went up hospital hill; had to walk since we couldn’t use the gears on the bike.  Had a lovely dinner. 

Tuesday:  tourist day; enjoyed a lagoon cruise; check out the pictures:

Ate umukai on a motu (barbecued food for lunch on an island).  Learned a lot about coconuts, and ended with a crab race.
Watched a cultural show in the evening.  Sorry the pics are so bad:  https://picasaweb.google.com/115133267095590644390/IslandNight?authuser=0&feat=directlink

There are two bus routes on Rarotonga, clockwise and anticlockwise;
and there actually IS one nice thing about our accommodation.  We have a lovely view overlooking the water, and enjoy the sounds of the waves and watching the palm trees.  We met a couple complaining about this place, and their room overlooks the rubbish.

Wednesday:  Felt good to do something physical again.  We did the cross- island mountain walk with a man named Pa.  Skip the tourist day pictures, but definitely look at Pa with his dreadlocks, and catch Rich’s muddy legs:  https://picasaweb.google.com/115133267095590644390/PaSCrossIslandWalk?authuser=0&feat=directlink

Thursday:  check out the pictures to see holiday highlights
https://picasaweb.google.com/115133267095590644390/Rarotonga?authuser=0&feat=directlink     lunch pics from Tues are at Trader Jacks where All Black player Zac Guildford made the news.

Raro grew on us and we got used to the relaxed island life, or we just didn't want to go back to the cold.  I liked the chance to wear my summer clothes, if only for a few days.   Don't ever let a travel agent talk you into an international flight that leaves at 2:55 AM; and wash your boots before returning to NZ or you'll get held up at customs.
Mt Ngauruhoe
Mt Ruapehu

View flying into PN from Auckland today.

wag school - skip school
child was off food for a couple days - decreased appetite
"I've never been so crook"
airplane carry on goes in the overhead lockers
my car had its W.O.F. this month - warranty of fitness
MAF anxious not to import didymo
Trade Me popular -  instead of eBay
I was told by a Kiwi that there are no more pure NZ Maori (last one died in the '60s)
The dogs had a great time at Camp Cosycats with Aunty Kelly.

Monday, July 9, 2012

For entertainment and New Zealand scenery, watch the Frosty Man video at this site:  http://news.tangatawhenua.com/archives/3747  (I don't know how to share YouTube videos to this blog)  The young actor is the one who played in the movie Boy.
In a chart today:  patient had GA 1/52 ago
Mother describing the child's problem:  he went crook last Tuesday and I'm crook too
"I'm here for my 3 monthly"
weather report:  it will be fine, high of 13
talking about the weather, Rich looked at the 10 day forecast for Rarotonga, and it predicted rain for the first three days well be there; hopefully wrong!
learned the difference between venison and cervena
will be having cornish pasties at the Moyles' Friday night
Ann, you were paid a compliment at the dog show Saturday.  I was asked by a Rottie owner if I breed Rx; she was interested.
my favorite  "biscuit"
 We picked these lemons off a tree yesterday.  Didn't think they grew here, let alone in the winter.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

 This is the side of the house where our little rascal jumped over the fence.  I let him out this morning; came back 2 minutes later, and he wasn't in the yard.  The back yard isn't very big, and I couldn't figure out where he was.  (I did panic!)  This picture was taken after we rearranged the bricks that he must have climbed.  Evi, 2 of those bricks are on the patio for stand- for- exam practice.  The incident reminded us of when Buffy climbed on the woodpile, and was roaming Avenida Cuesta.
 In the afternoon, we went to Feilding to visit Robyn and Tony.  Robyn is my dog club friend that keeps me straight at dog shows; telling me the rules, what classes I can enter, what events are coming up, etc.  Her husband is a deer farmer.

We had a nice afternoon walk, and the dogs had a brief swim in a stream.  Rx is definitely half fish!
Robyn is getting a new puppy from Australia.
She breeds her flat-coated retrievers.

 Yesterday I saw a dog that had color markings similar to the rottie, and  learned about the "New Zealand Huntaway, "a large, strongly-built breed of dog used for general sheep herding tasks. They are usually black and tan colored and were bred to use their loud, deep bark to herd sheep. The breed is relatively new, dating as a distinct breed from the 1900s".

Long and tiring, but successful dog show day.  Rx got 2 ribbons in obedience.  He did his sit and down stays in three different classes.
Handler error for the first two agility runs, but we ended the day with a "clear round".  Rx placed 5th, but that is out of all the jump heights, mini through maxi.  I"ll post the video, but if it becomes unavailable, check out the picassa site.  https://picasaweb.google.com/115133267095590644390/DogShowDay?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Pics of lake and ducks are from when Rich and Kaylee took a break from the trial grounds, and checked out some Wanganui sights.  They had a walk on the volcanic ash beach where river & sea meet.

Had a nice evening meal with Marilyn and her flatmate Mary (ICU nurse), local teacher, and ICU doc.  Came home and watched the movie Boy.  It is supposed to be a "hilarious and heartfelt coming-of-age tale about heroes, magic and Michael Jackson".  It was filmed around Waihau Bay, and showed the poverty of Te Whanau a apanui, the Maori iwi in the Bay of Plenty.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

I'm on mailing lists for US as well as international locum tenens companies.
As I've turned this blog into a personal journal, I decided to include the following listing from a recruiter.  It's a reminder of how jobs are negotiated here.  It doesn't list tea breaks (on my current schedule).  BTW, this pay is more than double my salary.
$450+GST per session
Accommodation and travel negotiated
The hours are decent, 8.30am to 12.30pm with paperwork time allocated for 12-12.30.  The afternoon session runs from 1.00pm to 5.00pm with the last patient seen at 3.50pm and the remainder of the time allocated for paperwork.
 If you can help out for 1 day or 3 days or the whole week please let me know a.s.a.p on (04) 894 3321 or 0800 4 62473.
The IRS here is the IRD (Inland Revenue Department).
Instead of an NPI #, I have an HPI (Health Practioner Index).
Patients have an NHI # .  The National Health Index number is a unique identifier that is assigned to every person who uses health and disability support services in New Zealand.
Just gave the dogs their Drontal; recommended three monthly.  Didn't need to bring the Iverhart; only caused problems at customs.  Vet yesterday recommended oral Comfortis, since Frontline is so irritating to Rx.
Dessert and pourra time.  Kiwis eat a lot of ice cream, and Tip Top is the most advertised brand.  Popular flavors are Hokey Pokey and Jelly Tip (haven't tried them yet).  Anyone hear of a NZ singer-songwriter and guitarist named Kimbra?  Reportedly high on the charts in the US.  Her father is a GP, and she grew up in Hamilton (same town as Murray).
Today I took Kaylee to the Massey University Veterinary Teaching Hospital.  (The appointment cards say "My pet goes to University").  I'm going to see what they have to say about her ortho issues (and get her tooth fixed).  Today I also bought tickets for an All Blacks game in Wellington in September.  They'll be playing Argentina.  So I have some time now to learn a little bit about rugby.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Relating to where we took the Kiwi Rail:

Headline in the Manawatu Standard:   Large quake rocks Manawatu
     I was reading in bed, and heard a rumble that I thought was a truck going down the street.  Then the dresser started to jump, and the mirror above it started moving.  I knew then that I was experiencing an earthquake; didn't know that they felt them in Palmy.  Worried about having go outside with pajamas on.  The dogs ran to the front door.  They didn't do anything beforehand; animals reportedly sense disasters ahead of time?  At the office the next morning, Murray said that this was their way of celebrating The 4th of July for me; a shake instead of fireworks.
NZST Tue Jul 3, 2012  10:45
Richter magnitude 4.6
depth 230 km
70 km south of Opunake (drove through there the weekend we went to New Plymouth)
kiwis have web sites on their favorites such as:

Newspaper articles regarding last night's earthquake:

Talking about disasters, last night we watched a movie called Tangiwai (I check out mostly NZ movies).  It is about the train crash where cricket player Bob Blair (who was in South Africa at the time) lost his fiance.  "At 10.21 p.m. on Christmas Eve 1953 the Wellington–Auckland night express plunged into the flooded Whangaehu River at Tangiwai, 10 kilometres west of Waiouru in the central North Island. Of the 285 passengers and crew on board, 151 died in New Zealand's worst railway accident".  The movie is actually about their romance.  We drove through this area on our way to Rotorua.

If you liked the gumboots song, check out another kiwi folk song:

I'm learning more about the 1944 Polish children's camp in Pahiatua.

A wigwam for a goose's bridle means mind your own business/none of your business.

Scotch mist is:
  • An idiom which in the United Kingdom means a cold and penetrating mist that verges on rain
  • In the United Kingdom an idiom meaning something that is hard to find or doesn't exist (something imagined).
  • Scottish term given to a persistent drizzle with poor visibility, especially on moors and out at sea (also called smirr). which poses risks of hypothermia to walkers, and of navigation and collision danger to sailors.
  • Humorously, to refer to drunken confusion.

Do we use so many expressions in the US?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The ferry ride was relaxing and we had a smooth crossing.  We didn't get to the wineries in the beautiful Marlborough Sounds, but we did see a good chunk of the top and central South Island.  It was great to get away and have this trip.  Enjoyed seeing new places.  Enjoyed the bathtub in the Christchurch motel (felt like I hadn't had a relaxing hot bath in a decade), and Jan, the room there was actually warm!  (a new motel).  Didn't enjoy all the time I spent thinking about what I should do work wise in the fall - explored many options and thoughts.  Didn't look forward to returning to 411A Featherston, but the dogs gave us a great greeting, so it was OK.
A few last random pictures at https://picasaweb.google.com/115133267095590644390/Travelling?authuser=0&feat=directlink  Didn't get a picture of the Palmerston North taxi that brought us home from the bus stop.
Busy at work.  Lots of colds and flu.
#3 major difference in my practice here:  GPs see patients for their surgical post-op needs.
For paeds, I ask about poos and nappies.
For chest exams, I ask the patient to take off their jersey.
Asthma inhalers are referred to as either the controllers (steroid) or the relievers (albuterol).
Terms I hear:  chesty cough, spot on, he's unwell, grizzly (irritable/cranky), not so flash, he came right, good on you.  I'll remember Tuesday morning hot chocolates, and Jan making the morning drinks (hot tea).

Monday, July 2, 2012

The major disadvantage to winter touring isn't the temperature, but the short days.  On the drive from the seals, we were too late to see the Buller Gorge Swingbridge, but had to navigate the winding mountain roads in the dark.  On the road to Abel Tasman in the early AM, we again had winding roads in the dark, with the added challenge of black ice.  The cold empty motel in Murchison reminded me of the motel in Durango that we stayed in one winter when we had snow chain difficulty and couldn't make it to the condo in Purgatory.  The drive Saturday AM reminded me of a 180 in the Audi on the way home from Angel Fire.  Rich did a great job driving, and got us safely to Marahau.

After an informative ride, we were dropped off at a beautiful beach, and walked to our pick up spot at another beautiful beach.  For those on multi day walks, there are huts and campgrounds along the way.  We walked from Bark Bay to Anchorage.  Took the low tide route, but missed low tide by a couple hours, so had to take our shoes and socks off while crossing the estuary.  Brrrrr.
Don't skip these pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/115133267095590644390/AbelTasman?authuser=0feat=directlink

Driving to Picton, we took the scenic Queen Charlotte Drive instead of the state highway, which turned out to have more twists and turns in the dark than ever.  The motel had electric blankets, and the bed was close to the heat pump, so we were comfortable.  Motels in NZ have kitchens, and you're given milk at check-in (regular or slim).
In restaurants, be sure to go up to the counter when you're ready to pay, or you'll be waiting at your table for the check for a long time; and don't forget that there is no tipping.

On Thursday morning, Kelly dropped us off at the airport before taking the dogs,  The great thing about flying domestically here is that you can show up 5 minutes before boarding, and take whatever liquids you want with you.  Shoes stay on.  No security line.  Nice service on short flights.  We picked up a wee map from the i-site, and went on a walking tour.  Visiting Christchurch reminded me of visiting New Orleans after Katrina when we were there for Jeff's graduation.  It is sad to see the damage done to a beautiful city, and sad to hear about the people in temporary housing.  Interesting to read about all of the insurance issues.  The most damage occurred during the second earthquake in February 2011, but there are still intermittent shakes happening.  Many things are not open, like the Canterbury Museum.  They are using these pods for stores in the CBD.  We had a lovely anniversary dinner, and received a bottle of wine from the motel manager.  For Christchurch pictures:  https://picasaweb.google.com/115133267095590644390/Christchurch02?authuser=0&feat=directlink

The weather for our trip was Brrrrr  cold, but we had NO rain, and beautiful clear blue skies for most of the touring.  Friday morning, we boarded the train and headed west over the Southern Alps.  It was a nice relaxing ride with stunning scenery.

For all the train to Greymouth pictures:  https://picasaweb.google.com/115133267095590644390/TranzAlpine?authuser=0&feat=directlink   Lake Brunner (above) is the largest lake in Westland and is "renowned for its excellent trout fishing".

We picked up a Thrifty rental car and drove to Murchison stopping at the pancake rocks and the Tauranga Bay seal colony near Westport.  No time to go south to Hokitika to buy pounamu and ruby rock jewelry. 

better pancake pictures at https://picasaweb.google.com/115133267095590644390/PancakesSeals?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Will finish writing about the South Island adventure next time.  Rich is packing to go to Gisborne, and I have been at the computer for too long.  I will say that Abel Tasman National Park is the most beautiful and serene place.  We had challenges with the Routeburn trek, but really enjoyed the Abel Tasman Coastal Walkway!  I feel lucky to have been able to do at least part of the coast walk, one of New Zealand's "Great Walks".